
We believe in the necessity to create a new celebration culture based on nurture, love and self-growth. 

To this end we facilitate interactive workshops that give the opportunity to learn new things, meet new people and allow participants to rediscover playfulness.


Non Verbal Speed-Meet

In this workshop you get to know others without talking. Participants go through five exercises, every time with a new person in front of them. 


Inspired by Florent Ruppert.

Tantric Toothbrush

Bring your own toothbrush and experience the feeling of getting your teeth brushed by someone in a loving way like your parent did to you as a kid.  

The Bubble

An interactive performance/meditation. Find safety within your own ‘bubble’, and share it with others.


Stretching workshop with Japanese ‘Tenugiu’ towels. Shares similarities with yoga. 


Inspired by Studio Suisouan.


In this workshop you will be invited to a play fight. Challenge someone and discover nonverbal ways of connecting with high intensity in a safe(r) container.  

Dancing Weird

Start the morning by throwing the hips loose and let go of all embarrassment. You can’t dance too crazy at Dancing Weird! 

Riverflow Experience

In this workshop, guests learn to relax through a somatic toe-shaking method, based on vibrations synchronized with music. Surrender to the flow. 

Sexy Dance

The Sexy Dance – Dancing Sexy workshop. Everyone has a certain way of dancing, your ‘own dance’. This workshop invites you to embrace that dance and add a touch of sexiness to it.


Inspired by Florent Ruppert.

Tentacle Dance

Contact impro dance guided by stories of the sea.

Sand Therapy

Participants will couple up and take turns covering each other with sand until their neck. The person with the head in the sand receives a guided head massage. This workshop is about giving, receiving, surrendering and letting go.

“An experience that sets your heart wide open and will be hard to forget” 


Nadia InnocentiaCreative Direction & Performance

Nadia Innocentia

Creative direction, avant-garde fashion, performance, connection workshops.

Visit me here.

Coen Aerts

Creative direction,  performance, workshop facilitator.

Visit me here. 

Producer and performer.

Alex Covert

Creative (paint) workshops.


Marita de Vries

Yoga, movement workshops, Creative workshops.

Visit me here.



Stefanie Ensink

Dance workshops.


Barry van den Ende

Educational forest walk.


Minke Marianne

Connection games, campfire songs.

Will Ogboke

Massages, massage workshops.



Jorik Breur

Craft workshops.

Visit me here. 


Tim Gernhuber 

Shibari workshops.

Kamran Novin

Ecstatic dance facilitator.

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